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Evidence-Based Practices & Sample Resources
for Teaching Writing to Students Pre-K to Grade 12
The Common Core State Standards call for students to be able to write for different audiences and purposes. The ability to write in that manner, though, requires knowledge of different text structures, genres, and also knowledge about the expectations of the various readers/audience. Besides instruction on writing skills, tasks, and processes, emphasis should be also given in the development of self-regulation. Writers should be able to analyze any given writing task, develop attainable goals, and utilize their knowledge about strategies to achieve those goals. The goal should be to develop independent, self-regulated writers!
Our site presents information on evidence-based practices and sample resources for teaching writing to students in the elementary grades and in basic-writing college courses.
Our Goals
Understanding the principles of strategy instruction in writing,
Making their thinking process visible when they teach cognitive and metacognitive processes,
Supporting their students’ independence, and
Becoming “architects” of their own writing lessons!

Research Studies
We are currently welcoming partnerships for professional and research collaborations. Such collaborations can benefit teachers’ instruction and students’ writing achievement. Further, such collaborations advance the knowledge of the research community on “what works” in real setting and with real students long-term!
Workshops & PD
We provide workshops and professional development sessions on writing instruction (i.e., on integration of reading and writing, on text-based responses, on sentence-construction skills). Our “hands-on” instructional approach is based on strategy instruction and self-regulation. Sessions include lecture, demonstration lessons, videos, and opportunities for practice.
The collaboration has supported both teachers and students in providing consistent, writing instruction aligned to... Read More >>
—Barbara Neslin, ELA Coordinator
As a former first grade teacher and in my 19th year as a school leader this actionable professional development has been a huge game changer for student growth and achievement and our data supports it!... Read More >>
—Mary Alcorn, Principal
Our teachers also exhibit more confidence in their approach to teaching writing across the curriculum. Johnson Elementary has observed student growth in writing over time, with data supporting
—Tanya Welchel, Principal